EXCLUSIVE SEMINAR: Is your business prepared for employee discipline & termination?
Join our exclusive seminar, "Playbook on Effective Discipline and Termination of Employment that Could Save the Management Millions of Pesos: A Legal Approach." Gain expert legal insights and best practices to ensure fair, lawful employee management.

Responsible Use of Social Media: AI will not render Lawyers Obsolete | 5 March 2025
In this day and age, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a quick and reliable source of information for our daily legal queries. Just type in any legal query on the internet or computer app, and you’ll get your quick fix in a matter of seconds.

Is your business prepared for employee discipline & termination?
Join our exclusive seminar, "Playbook on Effective Discipline and Termination of Employment that Could Save the Management Millions of Pesos: A Legal Approach." Gain expert legal insights and best practices to ensure fair, lawful employee management.

Is your business prepared for employee discipline & termination?
Join our exclusive seminar, "Playbook on Effective Discipline and Termination of Employment that Could Save the Management Millions of Pesos: A Legal Approach." Gain expert legal insights and best practices to ensure fair, lawful employee management.

Is remittance of GSIS contributions part of the Mayor’s duties? | 28 February 2025
The Local Government Code of 1991 refers to municipal mayors as “chief executives” and not “heads of offices” as contemplated under Section 52(g) of RA No. 8291. Moreover, nowhere in the Local Government Code of 1991 does it include the remittance of GSIS premiums as part of the duties of a mayor.

Computation of Backwages for Illegally Dismissed Probationary Employees (C.P. Reyes Hospital et al., v. Barbosa)| 26 February 2025
To give you a short background, Barbosa filed a Complaint for illegal dismissal against C.P. Reyes Hospital et al., praying for reinstatement with full backwages and the award of moral and exemplary damages, as well as attorney’s fees.

What are the key provisions in Executive Order No. 169 for the protection of MSME franchisees? | 24 February 2025
The franchisor may be entitled to incentive or benefits to be provided by the National Government should it comply with the inclusion of the minimum terms and conditions prescribed by E.O. No. 169 in the franchise agreement. For this purpose, the DTI is hereby directed to formulate and enact measures for the entitlement to incentive of qualified franchisors, subject to existing laws, policies and regulations.

Who May be liable for Cyberlibel? | 21 February 2025
A libel committed by means of writing, printing, lithography, engraving, radio, phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition, cinematographic exhibition or any similar means, shall be punished by prison correctional in its minimum and medium periods or a fine ranging from PHP 40,000.00 to PHP 1,200,000.00, or both, in addition to the civil action which may be brought by the offended party.