Unlawful Arrangements under the Public Service Act: Boundary System and Kabit System | 28 February 2024

Learn more about unlawful arrangements under the Public Service Act

Unlawful Arrangements under the Public Service Act: Boundary System and Kabit System

It shall be unlawful for any individual, partnership, association, corporation or joint-stock company, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, or any municipality, province, or other department of the Government of the Philippines, to engage in any public service business without having first secured from the Commission a certificate as provided for in this Act, except grantees of legislative franchises expressly exempting such grantee from the requirement of securing a certificate from this Commission, as well as concerned at present existing expressly exempted from the jurisdiction of the Commission, either totally or in part, by the provisions of section thirteen of this Act. (Section 18, Public Service Act, as amended by Section 2 of R.A. No. 11659)

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