Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008 | 29 September 2023

This landmark legislation aimed to address the pressing issue of expensive medications, ensuring that high-quality medicines are within reach for all Filipinos

Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008 (Republic Act No. 9502)

It is the policy of the State to protect public health and, when the public interest or circumstances of extreme urgency so require, it shall adopt appropriate measures to promote and ensure access to affordable quality drugs and medicines for all.

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Alburo Alburo & Associates Law Offices:

• Have labor law and business law as our main fields of practice. For almost a decade now, we have been helping businesses improve their productivity and profitability by helping them comply with relevant laws, rules, and regulations.

• Observe high standards of excellence.

• Always consider innovative approaches to effectively address the legal concerns of our clients, covering a wide range of industries such as food, manufacturing, chemicals, real estate, retail and wholesale trade, and services in fields such as information technology, human resources, security, training, process outsourcing and other manpower services, among many others.

Contact us: 09778050020 | 09778050015 | (02) 7745-4391

Labor Law Certification Training: A Comprehensive Guide (Onsite)

October 25-26, 2023 (Wed-Thurs) | 9am-4pm | ₱2,888.00

Business Law: Corporate Responsibility of Members of the Board of Directors and Officers of a Corporation (Webinar)

October 27, 2023 (Wed-Thurs) | 9am-12nn | ₱888.00