Treatment and Consent of Service Users Under the Mental Health Act | 30 January 2024

Informed consent refers to consent voluntarily given by a service user to a plan for treatment, after a full disclosure communicated in plain language by attending mental health service provider, of the nature, consequences, benefits, and risks of the proposed treatment, as well as available alternatives.

Treatment and Consent of Service Users Under the Mental Health Act

Informed consent refers to consent voluntarily given by a service user to a plan for treatment, after a full disclosure communicated in plain language by attending mental health service provider, of the nature, consequences, benefits, and risks of the proposed treatment, as well as available alternatives.

Service users must provide informed consent in writing prior to the implementation by mental health professionals, workers, and other service providers of any plan or program of therapy or treatment, including physical or chemical restraint. Also, a service user may set out his or her preference in relation to treatment through a signed, dated, and notarized advance directive executed for the purpose.

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🗓 06 March 2024 (Friday)

⏱ 9am-12nn

📝 ₱3,288.00 (Early Bird Rate)

Yangtze Business Solutions Corporation, in partnership with Alburo Alburo & Associates Law Offices, is glad to present "How to Prepare for and Handle BIR Audits”. Join this seminar and be equipped with comprehensive knowledge and skills to effectively prepare for and manage BIR audits. Handling BIR audits is a critical aspect of managing operations of the business while ensuring compliance with tax laws, and avoiding potential legal and financial repercussions. This seminar aims to empower participants to navigate the complexities of BIR audits confidently.

🗓 06 March 2024 (Friday)

⏱ 2pm-4pm

📝 ₱1,888.00 (Early Bird Rate)

A webinar designed to help employers understand the perks and exemptions they can get under the law.

Yangtze Business Solutions Corporation, in partnership with Alburo Alburo & Associates Law Offices, is glad to present "How to Get Your Legal Incentives and Exemptions as an Employer”.

Join this webinar to identify the legal incentives and exemptions applicable to your business industry and learn the strategic approach on how to align your business operations with the legal requirements.

/| 29 January 2024