SSS Unemployment Benefits (Unemployment Insurance or Involuntary Separation Benefits) | 02 February 2024

An individual under sixty years old who has paid contributions for at least 36 months, with 12 of those months falling within the last 18 months before becoming involuntarily unemployed or separated, will receive monthly cash payments

SSS Unemployment Benefits (Unemployment Insurance or Involuntary Separation Benefits)

An individual under sixty years old who has paid contributions for at least 36 months, with 12 of those months falling within the last 18 months before becoming involuntarily unemployed or separated, will receive monthly cash payments. These payments amount to 50% of their average monthly salary for a maximum of two months. However, an employee can only claim these unemployment benefits once every three years. If there are multiple qualifying situations, only the highest benefit will be paid, following the rules set by the Social Security Commission. (In accordance with Section 14-B, Republic Act No. 11199 or the Social Security Act of 2018)

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