What is the Reasonable Causal Connection Rule? | 4 September 2024

In all enclosed places that are open to the general public, private workplaces and other places not covered under the preceding section, where smoking may expose a person other than the smoker to tobacco smoke, the owner, proprietor, operator, possessor, manager or administrator of such places shall establish smoking and non-smoking areas.

A money claim by a worker against the employer or vice-versa is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the labor arbiter only if there is a “reasonable causal connection” between the claim asserted and employee-employer relations. Only if there is such a connection with the other claims can the claim for damages be considered as arising from employer-employee relations. Absent such a link, the complaint will be cognizable by the regular courts. (Philippine Airlines, Inc. vs. Airline Pilots Association, G.R. No. 200088, February 26, 2018)

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