National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (Republic Act No. 9997 of 2010) | 19 April 2024

The National Commission on Muslim Filipinos is created by virtue of Republic Act No. 9997.

National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (Republic Act No. 9997 of 2010)

The National Commission on Muslim Filipinos is created by virtue of Republic Act No. 9997.

The Commission shall preserve and develop the culture, traditions, institutions, and well-being of Muslim Filipinos, in conformity with the country’s laws and in consonance with national unity and development.

(Sections 2 and 4, Republic Act No. 9997)


Issue at hand:

Did the Spouses Ko validly redeem the subject property even though they are not the registered owners thereof and they did not present any proof of ownership or legal interest over the subject property when the redemption price was paid?


The Supreme Court ruled: Yes. 

Section 261 of Republic Act No. 7160 provides that the owner of the delinquent real property or person with legal interest thereon, or his or her representative, shall have the right to redeem the property sold at a public auction within one year from the date of sale upon payment of the total amount of the delinquent tax with the interest thereon, plus the expenses of sale and the interest on the purchase price from the date of sale up to the date of redemption.

In denying Go’s Petition, the Supreme Court ruled that it is clear that Sps. Ko had the right to redeem the subject property as the owners thereof notwithstanding the fact that the title had yet to be transferred under their names. Contrary to Go’s insistence, Sps. Ko’s payment of the redemption price as Computed by the City Treasurer’s Office on March 29, 2012 or well within the one-year redemption period is a valid exercise of the right of redemption on the part of Sps. Ko despite non-submission of any proof of ownership or legal interest on the subject property.

The Court noted that even the City Treasurer’s Office acknowledged that redemption price paid by Sps. Ko was meant for the redemption of the subject property which, based on its record, was still owned by Lexus.

On a last note, the Supreme Court held that where the redemptioner has chosen to exercise the right of redemption, it is the policy of the law to aid rather than defeat such right. Redemption should be looked upon with favor and where no injury will follow, a liberal construction will be given to our redemption laws, specially on the exercise of the right to redeem.


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