Laws Implemented in Favor of Women in the Last 20 Years | 2 June 2024

In the past, women were forced to stay home and were not allowed to pursue education and employment.

In the past, women were forced to stay home and were not allowed to pursue education and employment. However, recent statistics show that society appears to have improved in this regard. Yet even though women make up a large portion of the work force, they are still somehow expected to take primary responsibility for childcare and the management of the home.

In a society that expects women to take care of the children and do household chores, working women confront the problem of a double-burden, or even multiple burdens in terms of longer hours of work and a wider breadth of responsibility.

The Constitution requires the State to recognize the role of women in nation building. This role is not confined to child-rearing, honorable as motherhood may be. (Leonen, J., Concurring Opinion, Christian Pantonial Acharon vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 224946, November 9, 2021)

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