Frequently Asked Questions on the Law on Trademarks | 08 November 2023

Protection over trademarks are acquired through registration with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (“IPO”)

Frequently Asked Questions on the Law on Trademarks

A “mark” means any visible sign capable of distinguishing the goods (trademark) or services (service mark) of an enterprise and shall include a stamped or marked container of goods.

It is the distinctive mark of authenticity through which the merchandise of a particular producer or manufacturer (or service provider) may be distinguished from that of others, and its sole function is to designate distinctively the origin of the products to which it is attached [Arce Sons and Company vs. Selecta Biscuit Company, G.R. No. 14761, January 28, 1961].

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Alburo Alburo & Associates Law Offices:

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• Always consider innovative approaches to effectively address the legal concerns of our clients, covering a wide range of industries such as food, manufacturing, chemicals, real estate, retail and wholesale trade, and services in fields such as information technology, human resources, security, training, process outsourcing and other manpower services, among many others.

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