Essentials of Business Law and Labor Law | 24 May 2023

Essentials of Business Law and Labor Law is a digital initiative of Alburo Law to provide legal knowledge to entrepreneurs to help improve their productivity and profitability by ensuring that businesses comply with relevant laws, rules, and regulations.

What is the Doctrine of Fair Use?

The Doctrine of Fair Use dictates that the fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching including limited number of copies for classroom use, scholarship, research, and similar purposes is not an infringement of copyright. (Section 185.1, Intellectual Property Code)

What is the rationale behind 13th month pay?

By virtue of Presidential Decree No. 851, all employers were required to pay all their employees a 13th-month pay not later than December 24 of every year (subject to certain exceptions) for it is necessary to further protect the level of real wages from the ravage of worldwide inflation and that the Christmas season is an opportune time for society to show its concern for the plight of the working masses so they may properly celebrate Christmas and New Year.

Want to know the secrets of successful business owners?

Don't miss out on the next run of 'Secret Strategies for Business Owners in Avoiding (and Winning) Illegal Dismissal Cases.'

In this seminar, Atty. Alvin Liao Alburo, LL.M., legal counsel of various companies and high net worth individuals, will discuss effective strategies business owners need to know in handling and avoiding illegal dismissal cases.

Register NOW to attend this online program. LIMITED SLOTS ONLY!

🗓 May 31, 2023 (Wed)


📝 ₱4,000+VAT

Applicable to all types of businesses and industries.

Dear HR PRACTITIONERS AND ENTHUSIASTS, here's another training opportunity you shouldn't miss!

This is your chance to further strengthen your career, add to your solid credential that will surely be looked favorably by fellow HR practitioners and employers alike, plus the opportunity to reach your workplace and organizational success.

Learn everything you need to know about Labor Law. Enroll in Alburo Law's 2-day onsite Labor Law Certification Program.

🗓 June 1-2 2023 (Thu-Fri)

⏱ 9am-4pm

📝 ₱3,888+VAT

This training is open to new and experienced HR professionals. Topics to be covered include labor standards and labor relations laws, special DOLE rules, and relevant Supreme Court decisions.

For Inquiries: Look for Ms. Ely

Mobile: 09778050020 | 09175771536 | 09778050015

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