Employer's Right to Transfer Employees | 08 March 2024

The managerial prerogative to transfer personnel must be exercised without grave abuse of discretion, bearing in mind the basic elements of justice and fair play.

Employer’s Right to Transfer Employees

The managerial prerogative to transfer personnel must be exercised without grave abuse of discretion, bearing in mind the basic elements of justice and fair play. Having the right should not be confused with the manner in which that right is exercised. Thus, it cannot be used as a subterfuge by the employer to rid himself of an undesirable worker.

In particular, the employer must be able to show that the transfer is not unreasonable, inconvenient or prejudicial to the employee; nor does it involve a demotion in rank or a diminution of his salaries, privileges and other benefits.

Should the employer fail to overcome this burden of proof, the employee’s transfer shall be tantamount to constructive dismissal.

(Jenny Peckson vs. Robinsons Supermarket Corporation, G.R. No. 198534, July 3, 2013)

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