Effective Collection of Debts without a Lawyer

This training provides comprehensive discussion of the rules on small claims cases under the Rules on Expedited Procedure in the First Level Courts (A.M. No. 08-8-7-SC), especially tailored for business owners and professionals to equip them with the requisite knowledge on small claims cases and efficiently handle their collection with ease.

Effective Collection of Debts without a Lawyer

Alburo Law Training Center, in partnership with Alburo Alburo & Associates Law Offices, is glad to present "Effective Collection of Debts without a Lawyer”.

This training provides comprehensive discussion of the rules on small claims cases under the Rules on Expedited Procedure in the First Level Courts (A.M. No. 08-8-7-SC), especially tailored for business owners and professionals to equip them with the requisite knowledge on small claims cases and efficiently handle their collection with ease.