Guidelines in the Implementation of the Department of Migrant Workers’ AKSYON Fund | 21 July 2024

The AKSYON Fund shall provide legal and other forms of assistance to OFWs

Agarang Kalinga at Saklolo para sa mga OFWs na Nangangailangan (AKSYON) Fund, to the fund created under Section 14 of Republic Act No. 11641 (Department of Migrant Workers Act) to provide legal, medical, financial, and other forms of assistance to Overseas Filipino Workers including repatriation, shipment of remains, evacuation, rescue, and any other analogous help or intervention to protect the rights of Filipino nationals. (Section 3, par. a, R.A. No. 11641)

Under Department of Migrant Workers Department Order No. 04, series of 2023 (DMW D.O. No. 04-23), the AKSYON Fund shall provide legal and other forms of assistance to OFWs including:

  1. Legal Assistance to any OFW in distress;

  2.  Medical Assistance to OFWs in distress in connection with their examination, treatment, hospitalization, rehabilitation and repatriation;

  3. Repatriation;

  4. Financial Assistance to families and/or children of OFWs in distress with pending cases onsite, including families of victims of trafficking in persons;

  5. Shipment and transport of human remains;

  6. Rescue and evacuation; or

  7. Any other analogous intervention including humanitarian assistance to protect the rights, interests and welfare of the workers and their families who are living with the OFWs in distress at the host country, including families of victims of trafficking in persons during the pendency of such cases.

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