Defense Available for a Common Carrier | 9 August 2024

When it comes to contracts for the transportation of goods or passengers, common carriers have specific defenses at their disposal

When it comes to contracts for the transportation of goods or passengers, common carriers have specific defenses at their disposal:

For Contracts of Goods Transportation:

  1. The damage, loss, or deterioration resulted from one of the situations specified in Article 1734 of the New Civil Code;

  2. The carrier exercised extraordinary diligence in fulfilling the terms of the contract for carriage; and,

  3. The goods were seized or destroyed through the order of public authority.

For Contracts of Passenger Transportation:

  1. Observance of extraordinary diligence;

  2. Doctrine of Respondent Superior; and,

  3. Doctrine of Last Clear Chance.

Recognizing these developments and the lack of a substitute party for Raymond, the Supreme Court noted that without his participation or that of his heirs, any decision on the case’s merits would be moot. Therefore, the Court granted the respondents’ Motion for Dismissal of Appeal, denying the Petition for Review without addressing the substantive issues raised.

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