8th Labor Law Certification Training: A Comprehensive Guideline

This seminar is intended to help HR professionals grasp the ins and outs of labor laws in the Philippines and equip them with an in-depth understanding of the relevant labor laws, rules, and regulations.

8th Labor Law Certification Training: A Comprehensive Guideline

Alburo Law Training Center, in partnership with Alburo Alburo & Associates Law Offices, is glad to present "8th Labor Law Certification Training: A Comprehensive Guidelines”.

This seminar is intended to help HR professionals grasp the ins and outs of labor laws in the Philippines and equip them with an in-depth understanding of the relevant labor laws, rules, and regulations. The training aims to enhance participants' knowledge and skills, ensuring HR professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of labor regulations so they can confidently handle tricky employment situations while staying on the right side of the law.